Random Thought; Hi 1st July!

My brain has so many random stuffs to think. I didn’t feel overwhelmed but made me hating some stuffs. It is weird, such as my brain against my heart. 1st thing all, I don’t like kind of human who can’t recognise other contributions. Even the small stuffs, can you imagine if the small stuff they don’t wanna to mention the source so being fake will be easy for them. Such as claiming something that they don’t work on. I hope i never ever met kind of this human anymore.

Oh 2nd random stuff is about I don’t like unattenive type of human. Dealing with this human just make me exhausted. Cutting of some people from my life really best decisions I made as an adult. Feeling away better to have small circle, I called it quantify over quality.

I love journaling but well, sometimes I feel lazy to write. I hope someone or genius will invent a stuff that translating our thought into a type. Can be a great idea.

Commitment persona always make me falling in love. They hard to find, they don’t need to tell us their profile but action always speak louder than words.

Last but not least, I feel sosmed give me bored feeling. Make me remember about the quote even the sweetest chocolate has expired. I feel it.

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